We interrupt this regularly scheduled post about the mighty Rays to bring you post number 2 of an irreverent series I started a year or two ago and promptly abandoned, called ‘Dang! He got laid?’
Let me refresh your memory. Out of the thousands of MLB players who have put on a uniform over the past 150+ years, the odds are that some of them probably weren’t the best looking (we’re talking you, Don Mossi). With the sheer number of players who have played, the odds are that even the worst looking 1% has probably not only had offspring, but that offspring has also entered into pro ball, and graced a baseball card, thereby offering photo (and sometimes on the back biographical) proof that their dad got laid back in the day, despite looking like a weirdo. Today, I’m picking on 2 more innocent victims.

First up is Hall of Famer Robin Yount. I want to apologize for not having a worse photo of Robin. I somehow misplaced my 1970-1990s Brewers album, so I had to go with a more modern card. Still, check out that hair. He had the startings of a nice mullet going, and we would see in the ‘90’s. While he was an MVP in the ‘80s, I still don’t see how a lady would’ve let Robin sleep with her back in the ‘70’s, especially when his hair could’ve been longer than hers.
Apparently, somebody funneled ol’ Robin’s hog, because in 2003, we got a card of Dustin, Robins son. Dustin never made the Bigs, but hey, have any of us? Plus, he served a higher purpose: proving that his dad can make it with the ladies.
Saving the best for last, we have Paul Gibson (he of the 1989 Score card with Luis Salazar itching his jock). Paulie must’ve been doing something right in January 1987, because if the birthday on the back of that ‘08 Bowman Chrome and years of science tell us anything, that is when he probably became the envy of his 2 friends and finally rounded 3rd and scored with his wife/girlfriend/some random girl and got her pregnant with little Glenn.
I remember my first time seeing Paul. I pulled his ‘89 Bowman card from a pack. Go ahead. Look it up. After knowing he could score with the ladies, he must’ve let that gut go. My 2nd card of Gibson was his ‘90 Topps. Not much better. With the glasses, he looks more like a math professor than a major leaguer. Go look up any of his cards. I challenge you to find one where he looks normal. But he still managed to father a child. Unfortunately for Glenn, judging by the looks of his ‘08 Bo Chro photo, he got his looks from his dad. Slap a pair of glasses on him, and we got twins. Although he probably didn’t have the killer slider of his dad because he never made the majors. But that’s not where all of this stops. It turns out for Paul, he ran a baseball academy for a while, and now he is a senior pitching director for the Royals. I happened to find his
biography on the Royals website, and wouldn’t you know it, it lists him as married and with not one, but 2 kids!!! And a grandchild. Not sure if it is Glenn’s or not. As for Glenn, I found some
info about him, and he’s like married as well!! But that’s where breaking the stereotypes end. Glenn is working in computer software engineer. Figured Paul would too after he retired.
I hope you enjoyed the 2nd version of ‘Dang! He got laid?’ Some possibilities for future posts (fathers) include: Jerry Hairston, Sr., Hal McRae, Brian Harvey, Scott Fletcher, Lance Parrish, Don Mattingly, Dante Bichette, Floyd Bannister, and Tom Gordon. If you have any suggestions on other players who fathered children but probably shouldn’t have, please let me know.
I guess the bots that read my blog on a fairly regular basis weren’t very interested in any of my SPs. I’ll still keep the post up so anyone can access it for future reference (myself as well). I wish I would’ve had it in the past when making some trades. I would’ve been able to find a few more cards at least for some guys doing Heritage sets. I’m actually trying to round up some stuff to send out to old trade partners. I have a good number of projects going on right now, but I hope to put a dent in some of those wantlists on the next off day I have to myself (Tuesday, perhaps). If I’m really lucky, maybe I’ll have all my binders gone through in the 3 days during the week before then when I get a little time to myself before Karen gets home. If that happens, then I’ll probably run by the post office on Tuesday. Either way, if you get a post by then, I will update you.
Thanks for checking out my latest post.
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