Custom Set Pages

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

2 sets with 1 envelope

 Have you ever heard the story ‘7 with one blow’?  Basically, a guy kills 7 flies with 1 swing of his handkerchief. Well, Jim of GCRL/Cards as I see them was able to knock out 2 Topps sets for me with just a pwe. 

In one of my posts before going on vacation, I mentioned that I was 1 card from finishing the 1989 Topps set. Jim commented that he had it, and I got in touch with him, and finally got him my address when I got back home. He not only sent the Denny Walling to finish that one off, but 8 other cards to help me get closer to a few others. 

I’m probably less than 50% of the way from finishing the 1983 Topps set, but I’ll take anything I can get, especially from a Hall of Famer. The ‘85 set is probably over 50% completed now, and every card helps. My ‘86 Topps set is now just 38 cards from being complete thanks to Jim, as he nearly knocked off a 3rd set. The 1989 set is complete thanks to the Walling. What was the 2nd set that I finished?  The 2004 Topps set. I thought I had purchased a 2004 Topps set from a Goodwill site a while back, but it was basically missing the stars and the Cubs. I had gotten most of the ones I needed from another collector named Jim (ironic, huh?), and just needed the LaTroy Hawkins, which Jim from GCRL was kind enough to send over. Now, in just over a weeks time, I completed the 1989 Topps, 2004 Topps, and 2006 Topps Update sets. Pretty good. Jim also sent a card to help me get closer to the 2004 Topps Traded set as well. Thanks, Jim, for the nice gesture with the Walling and other cards which helped me finish not just 1, but 2 sets!!  I hope to go through my stuff and send you back some Vlad Sr.’s tomorrow. 

Tomorrow I get the first day off by myself without commitments in probably 3 weeks. I hope to get the aforementioned Vladimir Guerrero, Sr. cards pulled from my binders, as well as some ‘93 Triple Play cards I need to send out in another trade. I’ll be stopping at the post office to hopefully send those out, and you never know what else could make its way out. 

I’ve finally went through the boxes I got off of FB marketplace last Tuesday, and hope to put those in my boxes tomorrow. That will kind of get everything a little better organized, and will allow me to finish the last 3 teams that need to get into TCDB. Once those last teams are in, I still have a few binders to put in, but it will allow me to easily see how much of the Rays/Cubs current rosters I have for when I see them play in June and try to get autographs. TCDB will be a lifesaver for me in that area as I can just type in the name of a player I don’t recognize and instantly see if I have cards of them or not. I’ve also found it makes trading easier too, as I can just go through a set and see what numbers I have and even do it by player (as I was for Vlad). The only thing the site can’t do is cross cards off of my lists by itself, (although I think it can if you do a trade with another member. I’ll have to figure that out). Anyways, I’m looking forward to a day off with mostly a bunch of card sorting, some Futurama/South Park on TV, and maybe a little housework in between so I feel good about doing cards the majority of the day. 

As most of you know, The Diamond King is doing a neat contest where he has 140 serial #d cards and whoever is closest to the actual number of all of the serial numbers combined wins the cards. Check it out. It will be interesting to see what the number is. 

Thanks for checking out my latest post. 


  1. Thanks for the plug, and sending out Vlad Srs is always a nice thing to do!

  2. A day off without any commitments is the perfect day off. Enjoy and congratulations on completing two sets.

  3. Belated congrats on the completed sets!
