Custom Set Pages

Sunday, September 4, 2016

More customs from Richard

A few days ago, I got another batch of customs from Richard, a reader who enjoys making custom cards. He knocked a good number of cards off of my list of cards that are missing from Topps sets, and also put a good dent in Larry Rothschild's career Topps run. A few months ago, I tried to go through every post and find missing Topps cards from players I had already done cards of so I could add them to my list. Rothschild just happened to be one of the ones I did, and he coached for close to 20 seasons, so he is missing a good deal of Topps cards. I am now going team by team through the 2001 Topps set and listing each player missing from the set, and plan to do that for every year from 1989 through at least the '01 set. Back to Rothschild, in addition to the cards 7 Richard made for me (the 6 shown here and 1 in a previous post), I made his '92 and '99 cards, as well as his '91, '98 (Devil Rays), and '00 cards that I haven't posted. That gives him 10 cards (11 including the '01 that the Topps company made). He is still missing ones from the '89 and '90 sets, '93-'96, '98 (Marlins), '02 (Devils Rays), '03-'06, and '08-'11 for a total of 16 cards needed. Larry, if you are reading this, we are working on getting you that career Topps run, so stay tuned. 

I like the look of the '97 cards Richard made, and the ones from newer years almost look like they fell out of Topps packs. I look forward to seeing more of Richard's work, and if anyone wants to help knock some cards off of my list, please let me know. I can share the templates I have, and there are always plenty of cards on my list that need to be made.
Thanks for checking out my latest post.

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