Custom Set Pages

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Cards from Dimebox Nick and finishing my wantlist

Back when I first started blogging, I believe Dimebox Nick was one of the first blogs that I started following, and one of the first ones I traded with. We've made a few trades over the years, and its always a pleasure to read his blog. 
Nick recently celebrated a blogging anniversary with 12 years of blogging under his belt, and he held a giveaway. I was able to snag 2 vintage Topps cards for my Ultimate Topps Project, and they arrived in my mailbox a few days ago. 

I'm grateful for any cards I can get for the project no matter the condition, and to be from a legendary blogger and part of an unexpected giveaway makes them even more appreciated. Thanks, Nick for the cool cards, and I wish you many more years blogging and collecting!

 Today I finally finished typing out all of the cards to my Ultimate Topps Project wantlist. As soon as I get some printer ink, I will print them out, and then have a physical copy of my wantlist to bring to shops, shows, etc. that I can use to mark new cards off of and just see if I need a particular card I want with. Much thanks to John of Johnny's Trading Spot for the tips on how to organize the checklist. A number of sets are just a few cards away, and while I have lists up on TCDB, and have tried to put some up here, I'll go ahead and try to link to my Google Docs page so you can access them there. 

Next up, I'll probably be getting back to logging the non-Topps portion of my collection to TCDB. I also will be trying to finish up a custom project I have been working on, and hopefully I will have some news on it once everything is done. It's nice to have the holidays over for a while. I just didn't have time to do anything non work/housekeeping/errand running related since a week or so before Christmas, and I just need it to be slower at work for a while so I can recover and just get back in a routine and work on card stuff a few days a week after work. I was off work today, and although I didn't touch any of my cards, it still was relaxing to get these lists finished, and I hope to start logging my non-Topps Padre$ in the next few days. 

Thanks for checking out my latest post.