Custom Set Pages

Thursday, October 12, 2023

All of my Topps are logged into TCDB

This afternoon, I was able to finish logging in the final Topps card of the evil Yankee$ into TCDB and finally get a grasp on how many complete Topps sets I have. The results were a tad surprising. 

The site shows I am between 50-100 cards short of a few sets, which I figured. Other ones surprised me and showed I was a handful short. A few are probably just due to missing a checkbox or two, and I expect to remedy that soon as I will be jotting down a list of a few cards that I think I have and going through boxes/binders in search of them. Others show that I purchased sets that I hoped were complete but were 1-10 cards short. No big deal, I will just have to find those cards in a dime box, get through trades, or purchase online somewhere. 

The next part will be going through each Topps and Topps Traded/Update set that is not complete and marking each one I don’t have so it will go on my wantlist. From there, I’ll make a page for each set on here, and type out a wantlist, as well as providing a link to TCDB on each page. 

I have started a PAGE with each Topps set listed. Each set will eventually have a link to its own page on my blog with needed cards listed and the aforementioned TCDB wantlist link. Hope that’s not to confusing to follow, but just visit the page and click on a few links and see what I mean. 

While not earth shattering, TCDB says I have completed the 1985-1989 Topps Traded sets, the 1991-1993 Topps base sets (including the 1991 and 1992 Traded sets), 1995 Topps, and the 2019-2023 Topps base sets (including the 2019-2022 Update sets). Those were sets I hoped would be complete since I purchased them completed, but as this exercise has taught me, you can’t take that for granted. 

I’ll start getting some of these wantlists for Topps sets finished and posted to the main page, and get more non-Topps (meaning probably cards I’m willing to trade) uploaded to TCDB. It’s going to be fun to be able to bring wantlists to card shops and the like and be able to easily see what I need. Might be time for a trip to the LCS in a few weeks. It’s also going to be fun to input non-Topps stuff into the site. In a year or so it’s really going to pay off and I will be able to see how many junk wax sets I actually have completed or very close to complete. Thanks for following this project so far. 

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