Custom Set Pages

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Hanging it up

 This could be my final post for a while. Things are fine in my life, but I need to take a break from cards, blogging, making cards, and baseball in general. I appreciate everyone who has ever sent me a card in the mail, followed the blog, or made a nice comment. The kindness shown was truly undeserved. I hope this page can still be a nice reference for anyone who is into custom cards or just wants to see their favorite player get a Topps card that they never had. If anyone feels like taking over the page, I am happy to hand over the reigns. Thanks again. You guys rock. 



  1. Enjoy your time away, hope it's just what you need. I'll keep checking back for your return!

  2. I hope it's just a temporary break, as we all need those from time to time. If you do decide to hang it up for good I wish you all the best.

  3. "Hanging it up" sounds permanent, which I hope isn't the case. Be well and check in with us from time to time!

  4. Thanks for everything you’ve done for us custom card makers! I really enjoyed your site and wish you the best!

  5. Good luck in the future and thanks for all the past posts and trades!

  6. Say it ain't so! You've been at it for such a long time and we enjoyed the ride. Recharge those batteries and we hope to see you back.

  7. You've always had one of the most interesting blogs out there, and your customs were amazing. Good luck with whatever and wherever life takes you, and I'll be among the many who'll be here if you decide to come back. Thanks for the blog.

  8. Enjoy your break whether it be temporary or permanent!
