Custom Set Pages

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Done with the '70's

Today, I have finished the complete checklist of missing players for the 1979 Topps set. That set now gives me complete missing player checklists (yearbook style and traded) of all of the Topps sets from the decades of the '50's, '60's, and '70's. Just the '80's (which is close to halfway there with the '83, '84, '85, '86 and others being done), '90's, '00's, and '10's, and I will be finished (unless I don't get done by the time 2020 Topps Update comes out). If you like making customs, check out the site. There are pages for each years' Topps set (on the right sidebar of the desktop version of the site), and on each page is whatever I have done for the missing player checklist, any templates I have, and a picture with the correct fonts for the set (along with a link to download each font).

Here is a custom I did a long time ago from the '79 set, along with 2 I have done from the next set on the list, 1980.

I hate to keep having posts with medical drama attatched to them, but my wife Karen's head has been hurting probably the worst it has in a while. She had exploratory surgery in December, and they found some of her veins were occluded, and that the shunt in her head was working, just perhaps the pressure from the veins was giving her the headaches. Her doctor then presented her case to some vein doctors at a conference, and we still haven't really heard back from them, but from her case notes online, it looks like she might have a surgery to put a stent in some of them to get the bloodflow working better.
We also saw her Neurosurgeon on Monday, and he suggested putting a shunt in her back. This sounds like another surgery we did a few years ago, and it is, but we think it might be the best option. My wife has done some research about shunts working and still having pressure, and found that sometimes if the doctors can install a lumbar shunt with a valve, it will reduce the pressure. We hope that this, along with the stents in a few veins, will cause her to lose the headaches/nausea/vision problems. I have said all this before, but this time, I really believe that we have a better chance than before of relief. 2019 sucked, and although it sounds like the same old same old, at least there are different solutions (with the stents and a shunt with a valve). Her neurosurgeon has never done a lumbar shunt with a valve before (Karen's last one didn't have a valve), so he was supposed to talk to some pediatric neurosurgeons yesterday and ask them their opinion, since they do them all of the time. Tenatively, her surgery is scheduled for the 10th of this month, and I took off the 10th and 11th with vacation days, and I will either be up in Gainesville for her surgery or have 2 days at home to catch up on housework/yardwork/customs stuff. I will keep everyone posted, and hope to have a few more checklists done by then. If I can make it through 1982, then I have the '83 and '84 set that are finished, and a good number of ones in the '80's that just need coaches, so that will get me past the halfway mark pretty quick. Looking forward to some good times ahead with more checklists, customs, time off from work, and hopefully, a successful surgery.
Thanks for checking out my latest post.


  1. Congrats on finishing a fun decade, and hopefully your wife will feel better after the surgery!

  2. Nice looking customs, and I hope your wife gets better.
