Custom Set Pages

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Finishing checklists

Lately, I really have been meaning to work on the 1993 Topps set, but I have just got sidetracked with making missing player checklists. I have got some of the cards done in the '93 set, but its just not very enjoyable right now with all of the dual coach cutout cards needing to be done. 

I did, however, finish the missing player checklists to the '77, '80, and '81 Topps sets, which means that I have all of the missing player checklists finished to the 1977-2001 Topps sets, almost 25 years worth of missing players. What I have noticed with guys that have posted customs online is that they either make newer versions of already produced cards, they make newer guys on older set designs, or they are like me, and make missing players, but unlike me, they don't prefer the '90's, but prefer the late '60's and almost all of the '70's. I am hoping that I can finish out the '70's and then get maybe halfway done with the '60's missing players checklists. Once that is done, I will try to gather all of the customs that are already done, and then try to keep up with new ones as I see them being made. 

I may have some free time to work on customs/checklists over the next week, although not really for the reason I want. My wife has had medical issues with her head since before I knew her, but it has really got worse in the last 5 years. We have some scans and probably procedures scheduled at her Neurosurgeon's hospital in the next 5 days, and my work has been nice to let me use some vacation time on short notice, so I will be accompanying her there, and maybe doing custom work will take my mind off of everything. We thought we have found the answer to the problems with her probably 4-5 times in the past, but I am optimistic that they can find what they are looking for, and then address the problem, and maybe, just maybe we can get her to function like a normal adult. She is a fighter, so we have that going for her. It's nothing really serious, just gives her a lot of pain that she has to grit her way through everyday, but still, I know she is ready for relief. 

Since I don't want to bore you with an only text/update post, here are some customs I have made for each of the recent checklists I have complete. 

Thanks for taking the time to check out my latest post.

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