Custom Set Pages

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A look at contest cards

My posts have been sporadic lately, but that doesn't mean I am not up to all things custom cards. I recently had a Reds fan ask if I could make close to 500 cards of Reds guys, so that has been taking up alot of my time lately. I haven't forgot about the contest I held a few weeks ago, and have made up all of the ones (I think) that were requested by the winners. I believe I still have a few guys who haven't responded to me who were winners, so if this is you, please comment, or shoot me an email at karensjer at g mail dot com. I believe I have the pictures up for the ones I did for Fuji, Gavin, Paul B, and one other reader. I will get these in the mail the next time I go to the post office.

Other than that, I have ordered some cards on COMC for my Favorite Player Collection, and I think I might wait until the Spring Sale and then get them shipped. I have been working on cards for the 1984 Topps set for a fantasy league that some friends are running, and I also entered Wes's huge group break at the Area 40 blog (turn away if you are an Auburn fan!). While Auburn got smoked in the Iron Bowl, I still believe in Gus, and he will get the team back on track in '19 (did you see some of those 'Bama-favored calls??).  Even though  Wes is a 'Bama fan, I think he is a nice guy to do all this, so it proves that not all bandwagon-type teams have crappy fans. 
Thanks for checking out my latest post. 