Custom Set Pages

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A look at contest cards

My posts have been sporadic lately, but that doesn't mean I am not up to all things custom cards. I recently had a Reds fan ask if I could make close to 500 cards of Reds guys, so that has been taking up alot of my time lately. I haven't forgot about the contest I held a few weeks ago, and have made up all of the ones (I think) that were requested by the winners. I believe I still have a few guys who haven't responded to me who were winners, so if this is you, please comment, or shoot me an email at karensjer at g mail dot com. I believe I have the pictures up for the ones I did for Fuji, Gavin, Paul B, and one other reader. I will get these in the mail the next time I go to the post office.

Other than that, I have ordered some cards on COMC for my Favorite Player Collection, and I think I might wait until the Spring Sale and then get them shipped. I have been working on cards for the 1984 Topps set for a fantasy league that some friends are running, and I also entered Wes's huge group break at the Area 40 blog (turn away if you are an Auburn fan!). While Auburn got smoked in the Iron Bowl, I still believe in Gus, and he will get the team back on track in '19 (did you see some of those 'Bama-favored calls??).  Even though  Wes is a 'Bama fan, I think he is a nice guy to do all this, so it proves that not all bandwagon-type teams have crappy fans. 
Thanks for checking out my latest post. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Projects, projects.

Well, it has been kind of crazy at my house lately, with work picking up due to the holiday, church stuff, and a birthday for a 2-year old coming up next weekend. That leaves not much time for customs and cards.
So the contest officially ended, but I haven’t had time to make a post or pick winners. I haven’t ever used the randomizer site, and since it was only 2 over the original 5 that would be winners, I’m just going to let everyone that commented choose 3 cards off of my checklists. If you would please send me an email with your 3 cards and address, I will get the customs to you as soon as I have a chance to breathe. You can reach me at karensjer at g mail dot com.
With that being said, I have a few projects that have come up in the last 2 days that will probably take priority of my free time, but I promise, I will get customs to the winners eventually. The first project is a nice, unexpected order of every Reds custom that I have. That is close to 150 cards, and I am working on taking each individual card, putting it into a 6-card blank template, printing that, and then cutting them out. I’m hoping I can get that done during an off day after my sons party. My off day next week will be spent mowing the lawn and getting the house ready for the party.
The other project isn’t as urgent, but I need it done by February. I had a friend ask me to finish the 1984 Topps set for a sim baseball league he is doing, similar to what I did with the ‘83 set. I had planned on working on the ‘82 Topps checklist, but the deadline might push that back some. I hope to get the prize customs done between the 2 projects.
Thanks for checking out my latest post.