Custom Set Pages

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Quick update

Just a quick post from my phone to let you know what I have been up to.
My wife is having surgery tomorrow about 2 hours away from me, and I will be at work. She has had problems with excess spinal fluid around her brain for as long as I’ve known her, and we have been through at least 5 surgeries in the past 5 years to try to correct a problem with a shunt that they placed on her to help drain the extra fluid. For a long time, it was clogged, and wouldn’t allow fluid to drain, giving her really bad headaches. In January, her neurosuegeon found the cause, fixed it, but now it appears it is draining too much, also giving her headaches and episodes where she is almost in an intoxicated state. The plan tomorrow is to replace the current shunt with a programmable one which will hopefully allow it to drain just a little less, causing her pressure headaches to go away. Her neurosuegeon said he is kind of in uncharted waters as he has never seen a shunt drain too much fluid, but he has a game plan for the procedure. If you are the praying type, I would appreciate some tomorrow.
So I am at home with my almost 2-year old son, and have had some time to sort cards while Kyler has been in day care and after he is in bed. I was finally able to sort all of my loose cards and am now ready to put them in binders. Hope to start that tomorrow afternoon. I haven’t done any customs in a few days, but I think I could crank some out tomorrow.

Well, that has been my life the past week or so. I’ll try to post some new customs tomorrow, and definitely on my next day off. Thanks for taking the time to ready my latest post.


  1. Hey Jeremy... hope your wife's surgery goes smoothly today. Sending your family all the positive vibes I have today.

  2. Scary stuff. Wishing all the best for you guys.

  3. Thanks so much Fuji and Gavin. The surgery went well. She is still in pain from where the incision is, but we’re hoping that will go away in a few days and that we only have to tinker with the new shunt settings a little so we can get it where it drains the right amount of fluid for her.
