Custom Set Pages

Sunday, April 8, 2018

1998 Topps #801-850

It has been a while since I've posted, and will probably continue to be sparse posting for a while, but I do have a good reason. First off, work has been kind of crazy with Easter during the last month. Second, I have just had a ton of other things taking up my time. Weather has been getting a little nicer, and I have been doing various things like mowing the lawn, working on a garden (first green beans popped up yesterday), and housework during my days off/1 to 2 hours of wife/baby free time after I get off of work lately. I have also been working on trying to get my blood sugars better during the last 6 months. I am a Type 1 Diabetic, and about 6 months ago got a new insulin pump with GCM capabilities. I have had a few doctor appointments on days off, and have had to deal with calling insurance companies and all that when it came to dealing with the pump at first. I am happy to say that my A1C based on my pump readings was 6.9 for the last month, which was the first time in my life it was below 7! 
Probably the most important reason that I haven't and won't have much free time is that I am officially a college student. I am going to try to get a certificate in Software Engineering so I can become a coder and get out of my current job as a baker and get a job that not only will hopefully get me more money, but one that I think I will enjoy better, and hopefully just not be so crazy. It seems like every month there is some holiday that we are pimping out some product on, and I'm frankly just sick of all of the craziness that we have to deal with during not only holidays, but whenever a hurricane is anywhere near us, a weekend, the first of the month, etc. Just a job where I can work at my own pace at during the holidays and not having all of the mental stress. I'm sure it will have its own craziness, but I'm just tired of being a baker, and now I am doing something about it.

With that being said, I have worked a little bit on customs during the past few months, and here are the next 50 cards in the 1998 Topps set.

There were a few cards that gave me trouble, but overall, this was a good batch. Looking at that Kirt Manwaring card kind of makes me wonder if anyone collects him, because he is famous for some of the great photos he is a part of (in his cards, and in cameos he has made in others' cards).

I don't know when I will post again, but I will try to make customs when I have free time.

Thanks for checking out my latest post.


  1. Congrats on the career decision. As a software engineer I can say that things can get very stressful there too. But overall it is very rewarding and worth it.

    1. I feel kind of dumb. It’s actually computer programming (coding) that I’m getting into. Memory is getting bad as I get older. I hope there won’t be too much stress in the job, but I’m sure there will be some, especially when having to debug something.

  2. Congrats on the A1C reading! I know a little about that.

    It never occurred to me that there were jobs that were crazy every single holiday. That's definitely a bummer.

    Also, LOL on the DiPoto card.

    1. Thanks. I saw that photo and thought it would be a funny one to use.
