Custom Set Pages

Monday, December 26, 2016

Customs from Richard Part 5

I've finally got 2 days in a row off, so I've been able to do a bunch of work on customs lately. As far as templates, I just have a handful of teams from the '98 set left, and then some quick fixes on the '99 set, and my pet project, the '89-'01 sets will be finished. I have also made a few different pages for some of those sets, and thanks to Richard, a bunch of cards on those set have now been crossed off. I hope to finish the templates sometime in the next few weeks and get back into the swing of making customs. The ones Richard have been sending me have been piling up for a good month now, so here are a ton of them. He is a frequent poster on the Facebook Custom Card Group, and you can view more of his work there. It's a cool group if you want to join it. I will leave you with the customs, and I'll probably try to get 1 more post up before 2017. Thanks for checking out my latest post.

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