Custom Set Pages

Monday, September 12, 2016

My custom Little League card

Jeff over at 2x3 Heroes has a contest going on where readers can create their own custom trading card. I got home from my first softball game of the season at 9PM tonight and got to work trying to make a decent custom of myself. I wanted to make a back to the card to poke fun at my skills (or lack thereof). 

I played only 1 year of Little League, the '93-'94 season for Lakeland City Little League. I was the Rightfielder for Tony's Pictures, and I usually came off of the bench, and got 2 Strikeouts in  2 At-Bats, and if the ball got hit to me in right, I would make a decent play maybe 65% of the time (I didn't catch any flyballs, though. I only got 1 Hit all season, a slow roller down the 3B line. I also got 1 during a practice game, but unfortunately, we all know they don't count those stats in the regular season. After the year, I retired from baseball to play basketball, piano, and persue things I was actually good at. 

I would end up playing softball a few times over the years, and have fared alot better at that than my Little League career. Last season, I hit .310 on my church's team, and we had our first game on the '16 season earlier tonight. As usual, during the first game there were more than enough players, so I ended up being 1 of 4 DH's, and only got 1 At-Bat. We were visiting, and I was due to lead off the top of the 7th, but we gave up a 3-run HR to make the score 15-4, and we forfeited due to the 10-Run rule. Sucks, but I did go 1-1 with a Single to shortstop. We had a few scoring chances blown due to people not hustling, and I was involved in a double play myself. I was on 2nd with 1 out, and the batter hit it right to short. I tried to avoid the tag, but they got me and made the easy pitch to second. It was all good, because my pregnant wife was at the game, and I told her I would get a hit for our son. He is due mid-November, so if everything goes good, he may be able to watch his Old-Man play when he is outside of the womb towards the end of the season.

Sorry this post was so late, and good job to all of the other guys who made customs in the contest.  Thanks for checking out my latest post.


  1. Is that the ball I see in the picture just above the left fielder's head? If so, that is some primo timing on the shot. Very good job!

  2. Yeah. My mom or dad took the photo. I have a better version of the photo in an album, but we are in the process of moving, so alas, it is in storage, and I had to use the crappy, smaller version I had saved to my computer.

  3. Nice card!Man,I was planning on doing one .Is the contest over?

  4. Not sure. I believe the last day was Monday, but on the original post ( ), Jeff said if anyone needed time to leave a comment or e-mail him.
